Our runners ran the 1 mile yesterday at practice. We are so proud of all of our runners, especially our 3rd graders + new members who completed this for the first time ever with us! Listed below are the times for our run yesterday.

Please remember that while we are at running club to have fun, we need to remain safe and showing our B.E.A.R.S. at all times! All runners are expected to follow running club rules, and will be allowed one warning before losing the privilege of coming to running club for the season. If your runner receives a warning for any unsafe or poor behavior choices, we will inform you right away.
Please make sure to contact our coaches if your runner is to go home with someone other than you!
If you need to drop off late or pick up early, you will need to walk to the track and check in with a coach to take your student home. We are unable to allow your student to go to be on campus unattended after school hours due to safety reasons.