Our runners had an amazing season! They completed two 1 mile timed runs and one 2 mile timed run! They participated in agility, speed and strength exercises as well as lots of distance and endurance activities. So many of our runners won character trait awards this season, and we are so lucky to have every single runner out there with an amazing attitude + showing positive character!
Congratulations to our final award winners of the season, Riley and Nolan, who won the "Purpose" award! These two are always showing up to running club with the purpose of improving their running and supporting their teammates. We are so lucky to have such wonderful 5th graders, and we will miss them both!
We had so much fun on our last running club of the season participating in WATER activities! Our runners had a lot of fun cooling off on this hot day. :) The 5th graders took a final running club lap as the rest of our runners cheered them on!

Special thank you to our 6th grade volunteers- Lucy, Megan, Zoe, and Chase! They were so helpful and such a wonderful example for our runners!

Thanks for a wonderful season! We will see you in the fall!