Brassfield Runners,
We are very excited about our first running club tomorrow afternoon! We will start by going to room 313 (girls) and 314 (boys) and signing in with Mr. Shillings. The running club will be meeting outside immediately after check-in. We will do some warm up running, stretching, fitness check, intervals, cool down, stretch and then packing up to go home.
By 4:45, the runners will come out to the carpool loop at the front of the school. Parents, please park in the carpool loop and stay close to your cars. For safety and quick dismissal the runners will come to your cars. Running Club Adults will be at dismissal to direct traffic.
Reminders --- Students be sure to where comfortable athletic shoes, tshirt, and shorts, water bottle, and sunscreen if need (staff members are not allowed to apply sunscreen).
We looking forward to seeing you all out at the track!
Mr. Shillings, Mrs. Fernandez, and Mrs. Hamilton